Home » Getting Started » Installing on macOS

There are currently two ways to install PROS 3 on macOS. The recommended method uses Homebrew, and the other method involves installing components manually.

Recommended Method (Homebrew)

The recommended method of installing PROS 3 for macOS involves using Homebrew.

  1. If you do not already have Homebrew installed, install it by following the instructions on their site. This will take a while, and may prompt you to follow some additional instructions.
  2. Once you have Homebrew installed, run brew tap osx-cross/arm && brew install arm-gcc-bin to register a repository with Homebrew that contains the toolchain used to build PROS projects, and then install the toolchain.
  3. Run brew tap purduesigbots/pros to register the PROS Homebrew repository with Homebrew.
  4. Run brew cask install pros-editor to install the PROS Editor (the CLI will also be installed). This may also take a while.
  5. That's it! You can now start using PROS 3.

Other Methods

If you don't want to use Homebrew to install PROS 3, you can install all the components manually.

Install the toolchain

  1. Download the latest version of the GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain for macOS from their site.
  2. Once you have downloaded the toolchain, double click the file to extract its contents.
  3. Copy the contents of the gcc-arm-none-eabi-X-20XX-qX-update folder (where the Xs are numbers specific to the version you downloaded) to another folder, for example /usr/local/lib/pros-toolchain.
  4. Now you will need to link the toolchain binaries to somewhere that the system will be able to find them. There are two ways to do this:
    • recommended, easy to update: run mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/pros-toolchain && ln -s /usr/local/lib/pros-toolchain/bin/* /usr/local/bin/pros-toolchain replacing /usr/local/lib/pros-toolchain with the path to the folder you made in step 4 above. Finally, add /usr/local/bin/pros-toolchain to the end of your /etc/paths file.
    • easier, less easy to update: simply run ln -s /usr/local/lib/pros-toolchain/bin/* /usr/local/bin.

Install the CLI

  1. Install Python 3.6 or higher from the Python website.
  2. Install the CLI by downloading the latest version of the Python Wheel file (.whl) from here. Once downloaded, run python3 -m pip install ~/Downloads/pros-cli-v5_3.X.X-py3-none-any.whl (replacing that path with the path to which you downloaded the file).

Install the Editor

  1. Build and install cquery by following the instructions on their wiki page.
  2. Download the pros-editor-mac.zip file from our releases page. Once downloaded, double click to extract the application, then drag the PROS Editor.app file to your /Applications folder.


Minimum macOS version: 10.8 Minimum Python version: 3.6

Known Issues

RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment.

If you are using the PROS Editor, open up your init script (File > Init Script) and add the following two lines:

process.env.LANG = 'en_US.utf-8'
process.env.LC_ALL = 'en_US.utf-8'

If you are just using the CLI at the Terminal:

  • Open up your Terminal.
  • Run cd to make sure you're in your home directory.
  • Run touch .bash_profile to make sure you have a shell login configuration file.
  • Edit the ~/.bash_profile file in your preferred editor (you can also run open -e .bash_profile to edit it in TextEdit), adding the following two lines at the end:
export LANG="en_US.utf-8"
export LC_ALL="en_US.utf-8"
  • Run . .bash_profile to reload the file for the current session.

/bin/sh: intercept-c++: command not found

  1. Check your PROS CLI version by running prosv5 --version. If your version is <= 3.1.2, try updating first to check if that solves your problem. If not, continue with step 2.
  2. Follow steps 1-4 listed above for those using the CLI only. In step 4, however, add the following line instead (replacing the Xs with the numbers found in step 1):
export PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/pros-cli/3.X.X/libexec/bin:$PATH"