- Functions
- RTOS Facilities
- Device Registration
- Filesystem
- Value Reset Functions
- Value Set Functions
- Motor movement functions
- Motor telemetry functions
- Functions
- Screen Graphical Display Functions
- Screen Text Display Functions
- Screen Touch Functions
- Serial communication functions
- Enums
- Typedefs
- Variables
adi_port_config_e_t pros::
c:: adi_port_get_config(uint8_t port) - Gets the configuration for the given ADI port.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_port_get_value(uint8_t port) - Gets the value for the given ADI port.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_port_set_config(uint8_t port, adi_port_config_e_t type) - Configures an ADI port to act as a given sensor type.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_port_set_value(uint8_t port, int32_t value) - Sets the value for the given ADI port.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_analog_calibrate(uint8_t port) - Calibrates the analog sensor on the specified port and returns the new calibration value.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_analog_read(uint8_t port) - Gets the 12-bit value of the specified port.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_analog_read_calibrated(uint8_t port) - Gets the 12 bit calibrated value of an analog input port.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_analog_read_calibrated_HR(uint8_t port) - Gets the 16 bit calibrated value of an analog input port.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_digital_read(uint8_t port) - Gets the digital value (1 or 0) of a port configured as a digital input.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_digital_get_new_press(uint8_t port) - Gets a rising-edge case for a digital button press.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_digital_write(uint8_t port, bool value) - Sets the digital value (1 or 0) of a port configured as a digital output.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_pin_mode(uint8_t port, uint8_t mode) - Configures the port as an input or output with a variety of settings.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_motor_set(uint8_t port, int8_t speed) - Sets the speed of the motor on the given port.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_motor_get(uint8_t port) - Gets the last set speed of the motor on the given port.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_motor_stop(uint8_t port) - Stops the motor on the given port.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_encoder_get(adi_ encoder_ t enc) - Gets the number of ticks recorded by the encoder.
encoder_ t pros:: c:: adi_encoder_init(uint8_t port_top, uint8_t port_bottom, bool reverse) - Creates an encoder object and configures the specified ports accordingly.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_encoder_reset(adi_ encoder_ t enc) - Sets the encoder value to zero.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_encoder_shutdown(adi_ encoder_ t enc) - Disables the encoder and voids the configuration on its ports.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_ultrasonic_get(adi_ ultrasonic_ t ult) - Gets the current ultrasonic sensor value in centimeters.
ultrasonic_ t pros:: c:: adi_ultrasonic_init(uint8_t port_ping, uint8_t port_echo) - Creates an ultrasonic object and configures the specified ports accordingly.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_ultrasonic_shutdown(adi_ ultrasonic_ t ult) - Disables the ultrasonic sensor and voids the configuration on its ports.
double pros::
c:: adi_gyro_get(adi_ gyro_ t gyro) - Gets the current gyro angle in tenths of a degree.
gyro_ t pros:: c:: adi_gyro_init(uint8_t port, double multiplier) - Initializes a gyroscope on the given port.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_gyro_reset(adi_ gyro_ t gyro) - Resets the gyroscope value to zero.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_gyro_shutdown(adi_ gyro_ t gyro) - Disables the gyro and voids the configuration on its port.
potentiometer_ t pros:: c:: adi_potentiometer_init(uint8_t port) - Initializes a potentiometer on the given port of the original potentiometer.
potentiometer_ t pros:: c:: adi_potentiometer_type_init(uint8_t port, adi_potentiometer_type_e_t potentiometer_type) - Initializes a potentiometer on the given port.
double pros::
c:: adi_potentiometer_get_angle(adi_ potentiometer_ t potentiometer) - Gets the current potentiometer angle in tenths of a degree.
led_ t pros:: c:: adi_led_init(uint8_t port) - Initializes a led on the given port of the original led.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_led_clear_all(adi_ led_ t led, uint32_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_length) - Clear the entire led strip of color.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_led_set(adi_ led_ t led, uint32_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_length) - Set the entire led strip using the colors contained in the buffer.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_led_set_all(adi_ led_ t led, uint32_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_length, uint32_t color) - Set the entire led strip to one color.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_led_set_pixel(adi_ led_ t led, uint32_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_length, uint32_t color, uint32_t pixel_position) - Set one pixel on the led strip.
int32_t pros::
c:: adi_led_clear_pixel(adi_ led_ t led, uint32_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_length, uint32_t pixel_position) - Clear one pixel on the led strip.
v5_device_e_t pros::
c:: get_plugged_type(uint8_t port) - Gets the type of device on given port.
int32_t pros::
c:: distance_get(uint8_t port) - Get the currently measured distance from the sensor in mm.
int32_t pros::
c:: distance_get_confidence(uint8_t port) - Get the confidence in the distance reading.
int32_t pros::
c:: distance_get_object_size(uint8_t port) - Get the current guess at relative object size.
double pros::
c:: distance_get_object_velocity(uint8_t port) - Get the object velocity in m/s.
adi_port_config_e_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_port_get_config(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port) - General ADI Use Functions
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_port_get_value(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port) - Gets the value for the given ADI port.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_port_set_config(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port, adi_port_config_e_t type) - Configures an ADI port to act as a given sensor type.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_port_set_value(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port, int32_t value) - Sets the value for the given ADI port.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_analog_calibrate(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port) - Calibrates the analog sensor on the specified port and returns the new calibration value.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_analog_read(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port) - Gets the 12-bit value of the specified port.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_analog_read_calibrated(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port) - Gets the 12 bit calibrated value of an analog input port.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_analog_read_calibrated_HR(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port) - Gets the 16 bit calibrated value of an analog input port.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_digital_read(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port) - Gets the digital value (1 or 0) of a port configured as a digital input.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_digital_get_new_press(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port) - Gets a rising-edge case for a digital button press.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_digital_write(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port, bool value) - Sets the digital value (1 or 0) of a port configured as a digital output.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_pin_mode(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port, uint8_t mode) - Configures the port as an input or output with a variety of settings.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_motor_set(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port, int8_t speed) - Sets the speed of the motor on the given port.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_motor_get(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port) - Gets the last set speed of the motor on the given port.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_motor_stop(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port) - Stops the motor on the given port.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_encoder_get(ext_ adi_ encoder_ t enc) - Gets the number of ticks recorded by the encoder.
adi_ encoder_ t pros:: c:: ext_adi_encoder_init(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port_top, uint8_t adi_port_bottom, bool reverse) - Creates an encoder object and configures the specified ports accordingly.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_encoder_reset(ext_ adi_ encoder_ t enc) - Sets the encoder value to zero.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_encoder_shutdown(ext_ adi_ encoder_ t enc) - Disables the encoder and voids the configuration on its ports.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_ultrasonic_get(ext_ adi_ ultrasonic_ t ult) - Gets the current ultrasonic sensor value in centimeters.
adi_ ultrasonic_ t pros:: c:: ext_adi_ultrasonic_init(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port_ping, uint8_t adi_port_echo) - Creates an ultrasonic object and configures the specified ports accordingly.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_ultrasonic_shutdown(ext_ adi_ ultrasonic_ t ult) - Disables the ultrasonic sensor and voids the configuration on its ports.
double pros::
c:: ext_adi_gyro_get(ext_ adi_ gyro_ t gyro) - Gets the current gyro angle in tenths of a degree.
adi_ gyro_ t pros:: c:: ext_adi_gyro_init(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port, double multiplier) - Initializes a gyroscope on the given port.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_gyro_reset(ext_ adi_ gyro_ t gyro) - Resets the gyroscope value to zero.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_gyro_shutdown(ext_ adi_ gyro_ t gyro) - Disables the gyro and voids the configuration on its port.
adi_ potentiometer_ t pros:: c:: ext_adi_potentiometer_init(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port, adi_potentiometer_type_e_t potentiometer_type) - Initializes a potentiometer on the given port.
double pros::
c:: ext_adi_potentiometer_get_angle(ext_ adi_ potentiometer_ t potentiometer) - Gets the current potentiometer angle in tenths of a degree.
adi_ led_ t pros:: c:: ext_adi_led_init(uint8_t smart_port, uint8_t adi_port) - Initializes a led on the given port.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_led_clear_all(ext_ adi_ led_ t led, uint32_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_length) - Clear the entire led strip of color.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_led_set(ext_ adi_ led_ t led, uint32_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_length) - Set the entire led strip using the colors contained in the buffer.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_led_set_all(ext_ adi_ led_ t led, uint32_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_length, uint32_t color) - Set the entire led strip to one color.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_led_set_pixel(ext_ adi_ led_ t led, uint32_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_length, uint32_t color, uint32_t pixel_position) - Set one pixel on the led strip.
int32_t pros::
c:: ext_adi_led_clear_pixel(ext_ adi_ led_ t led, uint32_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_length, uint32_t pixel_position) - Clear one pixel on the led strip.
int32_t pros::
c:: gps_initialize_full(uint8_t port, double xInitial, double yInitial, double headingInitial, double xOffset, double yOffset) - Set the GPS's offset relative to the center of turning in meters, as well as its initial position.
int32_t pros::
c:: gps_set_offset(uint8_t port, double xOffset, double yOffset) - Set the GPS's offset relative to the center of turning in meters.
position_ s_ t pros:: c:: gps_get_offset(uint8_t port) - Get the GPS's cartesian location relative to the center of turning/origin in meters.
int32_t pros::
c:: gps_set_position(uint8_t port, double xInitial, double yInitial, double headingInitial) - Sets the robot's location relative to the center of the field in meters.
int32_t pros::
c:: gps_set_data_rate(uint8_t port, uint32_t rate) - Set the GPS sensor's data rate in milliseconds, only applies to IMU on GPS.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_error(uint8_t port) - Get the possible RMS (Root Mean Squared) error in meters for GPS position.
status_ s_ t pros:: c:: gps_get_position_and_orientation(uint8_t port) - Gets the position and roll, yaw, and pitch of the GPS.
position_ s_ t pros:: c:: gps_get_position(uint8_t port) - Gets the x and y position on the field of the GPS in meters.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_position_x(uint8_t port) - Gets the X position in meters of the robot relative to the starting position.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_position_y(uint8_t port) - Gets the Y position in meters of the robot relative to the starting position.
orientation_ s_ t pros:: c:: gps_get_orientation(uint8_t port) - Gets the pitch, roll, and yaw of the GPS relative to the starting orientation.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_pitch(uint8_t port) - Gets the pitch of the robot in degrees relative to the starting oreintation.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_roll(uint8_t port) - Gets the roll of the robot in degrees relative to the starting oreintation.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_yaw(uint8_t port) - Gets the yaw of the robot in degrees relative to the starting oreintation.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_heading(uint8_t port) - Get the heading in [0,360) degree values.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_heading_raw(uint8_t port) - Get the heading in the max double value and min double value scale.
gyro_ s_ t pros:: c:: gps_get_gyro_rate(uint8_t port) - Get the GPS's raw gyroscope values.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_gyro_rate_x(uint8_t port) - Get the GPS's raw gyroscope value in x-axis.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_gyro_rate_y(uint8_t port) - Get the GPS's raw gyroscope value in y-axis.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_gyro_rate_z(uint8_t port) - Get the GPS's raw gyroscope value in z-axis.
accel_ s_ t pros:: c:: gps_get_accel(uint8_t port) - Get the GPS's raw accelerometer values.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_accel_x(uint8_t port) - Get the GPS's raw accelerometer value in x-axis.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_accel_y(uint8_t port) - Get the GPS's raw accelerometer value in y-axis.
double pros::
c:: gps_get_accel_z(uint8_t port) - Get the GPS's raw accelerometer value in z-axis.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_reset(uint8_t port) - Calibrate IMU.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_reset_blocking(uint8_t port) - Calibrate IMU and Blocks while Calibrating.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_set_data_rate(uint8_t port, uint32_t rate) - Set the Inertial Sensor's refresh interval in milliseconds.
double pros::
c:: imu_get_rotation(uint8_t port) - Get the total number of degrees the Inertial Sensor has spun about the z-axis.
double pros::
c:: imu_get_heading(uint8_t port) - Get the Inertial Sensor's heading relative to the initial direction of its x-axis.
s_ t pros:: c:: imu_get_quaternion(uint8_t port) - Get a quaternion representing the Inertial Sensor's orientation.
s_ t pros:: c:: imu_get_euler(uint8_t port) - Get the Euler angles representing the Inertial Sensor's orientation.
gyro_ s_ t pros:: c:: imu_get_gyro_rate(uint8_t port) - Get the Inertial Sensor's raw gyroscope values.
accel_ s_ t pros:: c:: imu_get_accel(uint8_t port) - Get the Inertial Sensor's raw acceleroneter values.
imu_status_e_t pros::
c:: imu_get_status(uint8_t port) - Get the Inertial Sensor's status.
double pros::
c:: imu_get_pitch(uint8_t port) - Get the Inertial Sensor's pitch angle bounded by (-180,180)
double pros::
c:: imu_get_roll(uint8_t port) - Get the Inertial Sensor's roll angle bounded by (-180,180)
double pros::
c:: imu_get_yaw(uint8_t port) - Get the Inertial Sensor's yaw angle bounded by (-180,180)
uint32_t pros::
c:: link_init(uint8_t port, const char* link_id, link_type_e_t type) - Initializes a link on a radio port, with an indicated type.
uint32_t pros::
c:: link_init_override(uint8_t port, const char* link_id, link_type_e_t type) - Initializes a link on a radio port, with an indicated type and the ability for vexlink to override the controller radio.
bool pros::
c:: link_connected(uint8_t port) - Checks if a radio link on a port is active or not.
uint32_t pros::
c:: link_raw_receivable_size(uint8_t port) - Returns the bytes of data available to be read.
uint32_t pros::
c:: link_raw_transmittable_size(uint8_t port) - Returns the bytes of data available in transmission buffer.
uint32_t pros::
c:: link_transmit_raw(uint8_t port, void* data, uint16_t data_size) - Send raw serial data through vexlink.
uint32_t pros::
c:: link_receive_raw(uint8_t port, void* dest, uint16_t data_size) - Receive raw serial data through vexlink.
uint32_t pros::
c:: link_transmit(uint8_t port, void* data, uint16_t data_size) - Send packeted message through vexlink, with a checksum and start byte.
uint32_t pros::
c:: link_receive(uint8_t port, void* dest, uint16_t data_size) - Receive packeted message through vexlink, with a checksum and start byte.
uint32_t pros::
c:: link_clear_receive_buf(uint8_t port) - Clear the receive buffer of the link, and discarding the data.
bool pros::
c:: __attribute__((weak)) lcd_print(int16_t line - Displays a formatted string on the emulated three-button LCD screen.
uint8_t pros::
c:: competition_get_status(void) -
uint8_t pros::
c:: competition_is_disabled(void) -
uint8_t pros::
c:: competition_is_connected(void) -
uint8_t pros::
c:: competition_is_autonomous(void) -
uint8_t pros::
c:: competition_is_field(void) -
int32_t pros::
c:: controller_is_connected(controller_id_e_t id) -
int32_t pros::
c:: controller_get_analog(controller_id_e_t id, controller_analog_e_t channel) - Gets the value of an analog channel (joystick) on a controller.
int32_t pros::
c:: controller_get_battery_capacity(controller_id_e_t id) - Gets the battery capacity of the given controller.
int32_t pros::
c:: controller_get_battery_level(controller_id_e_t id) - Gets the battery level of the given controller.
int32_t pros::
c:: controller_get_digital(controller_id_e_t id, controller_digital_e_t button) - Checks if a digital channel (button) on the controller is currently pressed.
int32_t pros::
c:: controller_get_digital_new_press(controller_id_e_t id, controller_digital_e_t button) - Returns a rising-edge case for a controller button press.
int32_t pros::
c:: controller_print(controller_id_e_t id, uint8_t line, uint8_t col, const char* fmt, ...) - Sets text to the controller LCD screen.
int32_t pros::
c:: controller_set_text(controller_id_e_t id, uint8_t line, uint8_t col, const char* str) - Sets text to the controller LCD screen.
int32_t pros::
c:: controller_clear_line(controller_id_e_t id, uint8_t line) - Clears an individual line of the controller screen.
int32_t pros::
c:: controller_clear(controller_id_e_t id) - Clears all of the lines on the controller screen.
int32_t pros::
c:: controller_rumble(controller_id_e_t id, const char* rumble_pattern) - Rumble the controller.
int32_t pros::
c:: battery_get_voltage(void) - Gets the current voltage of the battery, as reported by VEXos.
int32_t pros::
c:: battery_get_current(void) - Gets the current current of the battery, as reported by VEXos.
double pros::
c:: battery_get_temperature(void) - Gets the current temperature of the battery, as reported by VEXos.
double pros::
c:: battery_get_capacity(void) - Gets the current capacity of the battery, as reported by VEXos.
int32_t pros::
c:: usd_is_installed(void) - Checks if the SD card is installed.
int32_t pros::
c:: usd_list_files(const char* path, char* buffer, int32_t len) - Lists the files in a directory specified by the path Puts the list of file names (NOT DIRECTORIES) into the buffer seperated by newlines.
uint32_t pros::
c:: motor_get_faults(int8_t port) - Gets the faults experienced by the motor.
uint32_t pros::
c:: motor_get_flags(int8_t port) - Gets the flags set by the motor's operation.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_get_raw_position(int8_t port, uint32_t*const timestamp) - Gets the raw encoder count of the motor at a given timestamp.
double pros::
c:: motor_get_position(int8_t port) - Gets the absolute position of the motor in its encoder units.
double pros::
c:: motor_get_power(int8_t port) - Gets the power drawn by the motor in Watts.
double pros::
c:: motor_get_temperature(int8_t port) - Gets the temperature of the motor in degrees Celsius.
double pros::
c:: motor_get_torque(int8_t port) - Gets the torque generated by the motor in Newton Meters (Nm).
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_get_voltage(int8_t port) - Gets the voltage delivered to the motor in millivolts.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_set_zero_position(int8_t port, const double position) - Sets the position for the motor in its encoder units.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_tare_position(int8_t port) - Sets the "absolute" zero position of the motor to its current position.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_set_brake_mode(int8_t port, const motor_brake_mode_e_t mode) - Sets one of motor_brake_mode_e_t to the motor.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_set_current_limit(int8_t port, const int32_t limit) - Sets the current limit for the motor in mA.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_set_encoder_units(int8_t port, const motor_encoder_units_e_t units) - Sets one of motor_encoder_units_e_t for the motor encoder.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_set_gearing(int8_t port, const motor_gearset_e_t gearset) - Sets one of motor_gearset_e_t for the motor.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_set_voltage_limit(int8_t port, const int32_t limit) - Sets the voltage limit for the motor in Volts.
motor_brake_mode_e_t pros::
c:: motor_get_brake_mode(int8_t port) - Gets the brake mode that was set for the motor.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_get_current_limit(int8_t port) - Gets the current limit for the motor in mA.
motor_encoder_units_e_t pros::
c:: motor_get_encoder_units(int8_t port) - Gets the encoder units that were set for the motor.
motor_gearset_e_t pros::
c:: motor_get_gearing(int8_t port) - Gets the gearset that was set for the motor.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_get_voltage_limit(int8_t port) - Gets the voltage limit set by the user.
int32_t pros::
c:: rotation_reset(uint8_t port) - Reset Rotation Sensor.
int32_t pros::
c:: rotation_set_data_rate(uint8_t port, uint32_t rate) - Set the Rotation Sensor's refresh interval in milliseconds.
int32_t pros::
c:: rotation_set_position(uint8_t port, uint32_t position) - Set the Rotation Sensor position reading to a desired rotation value.
int32_t pros::
c:: rotation_reset_position(uint8_t port) - Reset the Rotation Sensor position to 0.
int32_t pros::
c:: rotation_get_position(uint8_t port) - Get the Rotation Sensor's current position in centidegrees.
int32_t pros::
c:: rotation_get_velocity(uint8_t port) - Get the Rotation Sensor's current velocity in centidegrees per second.
int32_t pros::
c:: rotation_get_angle(uint8_t port) - Get the Rotation Sensor's current angle in centidegrees (0-36000)
int32_t pros::
c:: rotation_set_reversed(uint8_t port, bool value) - Set the Rotation Sensor's direction reversed flag.
int32_t pros::
c:: rotation_reverse(uint8_t port) - Reverse the Rotation Sensor's direction.
int32_t pros::
c:: rotation_init_reverse(uint8_t port, bool reverse_flag) - Initialize the Rotation Sensor with a reverse flag.
int32_t pros::
c:: rotation_get_reversed(uint8_t port) - Get the Rotation Sensor's reversed flag.
uint32_t pros::
c:: millis(void) - Gets the number of milliseconds since PROS initialized.
uint64_t pros::
c:: micros(void) - Gets the number of microseconds since PROS initialized,.
t pros:: c:: task_create(task_ fn_ t function, void*const parameters, uint32_t prio, const uint16_t stack_depth, const char*const name) - Creates a new task and add it to the list of tasks that are ready to run.
void pros::
c:: task_delete(task_ t task) - Removes a task from the RTOS real time kernel's management.
void pros::
c:: task_delay(const uint32_t milliseconds) - Delays the current task for a given number of milliseconds.
void pros::
c:: delay(const uint32_t milliseconds) - Delays the current task for a given number of milliseconds.
void pros::
c:: task_delay_until(uint32_t*const prev_time, const uint32_t delta) - Delays the current task until a specified time.
uint32_t pros::
c:: task_get_priority(task_ t task) - Gets the priority of the specified task.
void pros::
c:: task_set_priority(task_ t task, uint32_t prio) - Sets the priority of the specified task.
state_ e_ t pros:: c:: task_get_state(task_ t task) - Gets the state of the specified task.
void pros::
c:: task_suspend(task_ t task) - Suspends the specified task, making it ineligible to be scheduled.
void pros::
c:: task_resume(task_ t task) - Resumes the specified task, making it eligible to be scheduled.
uint32_t pros::
c:: task_get_count(void) - Gets the number of tasks the kernel is currently managing, including all ready, blocked, or suspended tasks.
char* pros::
c:: task_get_name(task_ t task) - Gets the name of the specified task.
t pros:: c:: task_get_by_name(const char* name) - Gets a task handle from the specified name.
t pros:: c:: task_get_current() - Get the currently running task handle.
uint32_t pros::
c:: task_notify(task_ t task) - Sends a simple notification to task and increments the notification counter.
void pros::
c:: task_join(task_ t task) - Utilizes task notifications to wait until specified task is complete and deleted, then continues to execute the program.
uint32_t pros::
c:: task_notify_ext(task_ t task, uint32_t value, notify_ action_ e_ t action, uint32_t* prev_value) - Sends a notification to a task, optionally performing some action.
uint32_t pros::
c:: task_notify_take(bool clear_on_exit, uint32_t timeout) - Waits for a notification to be nonzero.
bool pros::
c:: task_notify_clear(task_ t task) - Clears the notification for a task.
t pros:: c:: mutex_create(void) - Creates a mutex.
bool pros::
c:: mutex_take(mutex_ t mutex, uint32_t timeout) - Takes and locks a mutex, waiting for up to a certain number of milliseconds before timing out.
bool pros::
c:: mutex_give(mutex_ t mutex) - Unlocks a mutex.
void pros::
c:: mutex_delete(mutex_ t mutex) - Deletes a mutex.
bool pros::
c:: lcd_is_initialized(void) - Checks whether the emulated three-button LCD has already been initialized.
bool pros::
c:: lcd_initialize(void) - Creates an emulation of the three-button, UART-based VEX LCD on the display.
bool pros::
c:: lcd_shutdown(void) - Turns off the Legacy LCD Emulator.
bool pros::
c:: lcd_print(int16_t line, const char* fmt, ...) - Displays a formatted string on the emulated three-button LCD screen.
bool pros::
c:: lcd_set_text(int16_t line, const char* text) - Displays a string on the emulated three-button LCD screen.
bool pros::
c:: lcd_clear(void) - Clears the contents of the emulated three-button LCD screen.
bool pros::
c:: lcd_clear_line(int16_t line) - Clears the contents of a line of the emulated three-button LCD screen.
bool pros::
c:: lcd_register_btn0_cb(lcd_ btn_ cb_ fn_ t cb) - Registers a callback function for the leftmost button.
bool pros::
c:: lcd_register_btn1_cb(lcd_ btn_ cb_ fn_ t cb) - Registers a callback function for the center button.
bool pros::
c:: lcd_register_btn2_cb(lcd_ btn_ cb_ fn_ t cb) - Registers a callback function for the rightmost button.
uint8_t pros::
c:: lcd_read_buttons(void) - Gets the button status from the emulated three-button LCD.
void pros::
c:: lcd_set_text_align(text_align_e_t alignment) - Changes the alignment of text on the LCD background.
RTOS Facilities
- using queue_t = void*
- Unblocks a task in the Blocked state (e.g.
- using sem_t = void*
- Unblocks a task in the Blocked state (e.g.
bool pros::
c:: task_abort_delay(task_ t task) - Unblocks a task in the Blocked state (e.g.
void pros::
c:: task_notify_when_deleting(task_ t target_task, task_ t task_to_notify, uint32_t value, notify_ action_ e_ t notify_action) - Notify a task when a target task is being deleted.
t pros:: c:: mutex_recursive_create(void) - Creates a recursive mutex which can be locked recursively by the owner.
bool pros::
c:: mutex_recursive_take(mutex_ t mutex, uint32_t timeout) - Takes a recursive mutex.
bool pros::
c:: mutex_recursive_give(mutex_ t mutex) - Gives a recursive mutex.
t pros:: c:: mutex_get_owner(mutex_ t mutex) - Returns a handle to the current owner of a mutex.
t pros:: c:: sem_create(uint32_t max_count, uint32_t init_count) - Creates a counting sempahore.
void pros::
c:: sem_delete(sem_ t sem) - Deletes a semaphore (or binary semaphore)
t pros:: c:: sem_binary_create(void) - Creates a binary semaphore.
bool pros::
c:: sem_wait(sem_ t sem, uint32_t timeout) - Waits for the semaphore's value to be greater than 0.
bool pros::
c:: sem_post(sem_ t sem) - Increments a semaphore's value.
uint32_t pros::
c:: sem_get_count(sem_ t sem) - Returns the current value of the semaphore.
t pros:: c:: queue_create(uint32_t length, uint32_t item_size) - Creates a queue.
bool pros::
c:: queue_append(queue_ t queue, const void* item, uint32_t timeout) - Posts an item to the front of a queue.
bool pros::
c:: queue_peek(queue_ t queue, void*const buffer, uint32_t timeout) - Receive an item from a queue without removing the item from the queue.
bool pros::
c:: queue_recv(queue_ t queue, void*const buffer, uint32_t timeout) - Receive an item from the queue.
uint32_t pros::
c:: queue_get_waiting(const queue_ t queue) - Return the number of messages stored in a queue.
uint32_t pros::
c:: queue_get_available(const queue_ t queue) - Return the number of spaces left in a queue.
void pros::
c:: queue_delete(queue_ t queue) - Delete a queue.
void pros::
c:: queue_reset(queue_ t queue) - Resets a queue to an empty state.
Device Registration
int pros::
c:: registry_bind_port(uint8_t port, v5_device_e_t device_type) - Registers a device in the given zero-indexed port.
int pros::
c:: registry_unbind_port(uint8_t port) - Deregisters a devices from the given zero-indexed port.
v5_device_e_t pros::
c:: registry_get_bound_type(uint8_t port) - Returns the type of device registered to the zero-indexed port.
v5_device_e_t pros::
c:: registry_get_plugged_type(uint8_t port) - Returns the type of the device plugged into the zero-indexed port.
int32_t pros::
c:: fdctl(int file, const uint32_t action, void*const extra_arg) - Control settings of the serial driver.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_set_reversed(int8_t port, const bool reverse) - Sets the reverse flag for the motor.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_is_reversed(int8_t port) - Gets the operation direction of the motor as set by the user.
Value Reset Functions
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_tare_heading(uint8_t port) - Resets the current reading of the Inertial Sensor's heading to zero.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_tare_rotation(uint8_t port) - Resets the current reading of the Inertial Sensor's rotation to zero.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_tare_pitch(uint8_t port) - Resets the current reading of the Inertial Sensor's pitch to zero.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_tare_roll(uint8_t port) - Resets the current reading of the Inertial Sensor's roll to zero.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_tare_yaw(uint8_t port) - Resets the current reading of the Inertial Sensor's yaw to zero.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_tare_euler(uint8_t port) - Reset all 3 euler values of the Inertial Sensor to 0.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_tare(uint8_t port) - Resets all 5 values of the Inertial Sensor to 0.
Value Set Functions
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_set_euler(uint8_t port, euler_ s_ t target) - Sets the current reading of the Inertial Sensor's euler values to target euler values.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_set_rotation(uint8_t port, double target) - Sets the current reading of the Inertial Sensor's rotation to target value.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_set_heading(uint8_t port, double target) - Sets the current reading of the Inertial Sensor's heading to target value Target will default to 360 if above 360 and default to 0 if below 0.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_set_pitch(uint8_t port, double target) - Sets the current reading of the Inertial Sensor's pitch to target value Will default to +/- 180 if target exceeds +/- 180.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_set_roll(uint8_t port, double target) - Sets the current reading of the Inertial Sensor's roll to target value Will default to +/- 180 if target exceeds +/- 180.
int32_t pros::
c:: imu_set_yaw(uint8_t port, double target) - Sets the current reading of the Inertial Sensor's yaw to target value Will default to +/- 180 if target exceeds +/- 180.
imu_orientation_e_t pros::
c:: imu_get_physical_orientation(uint8_t port) - Returns the physical orientation of the IMU.
Motor movement functions
These functions allow programmers to make motors move
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_move(int8_t port, int32_t voltage) - Sets the voltage for the motor from -127 to 127.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_brake(int8_t port) - Stops the motor using the currently configured brake mode.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_move_absolute(int8_t port, double position, const int32_t velocity) - Sets the target absolute position for the motor to move to.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_move_relative(int8_t port, double position, const int32_t velocity) - Sets the relative target position for the motor to move to.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_move_velocity(int8_t port, const int32_t velocity) - Sets the velocity for the motor.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_move_voltage(int8_t port, const int32_t voltage) - Sets the output voltage for the motor from -12000 to 12000 in millivolts.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_modify_profiled_velocity(int8_t port, const int32_t velocity) - Changes the output velocity for a profiled movement (motor_move_absolute or motor_move_relative).
double pros::
c:: motor_get_target_position(int8_t port) - Gets the target position set for the motor by the user.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_get_target_velocity(int8_t port) - Gets the velocity commanded to the motor by the user.
Motor telemetry functions
These functions allow programmers to collect telemetry from motors
double pros::
c:: motor_get_actual_velocity(int8_t port) - Gets the actual velocity of the motor.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_get_current_draw(int8_t port) - Gets the current drawn by the motor in mA.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_get_direction(int8_t port) - Gets the direction of movement for the motor.
double pros::
c:: motor_get_efficiency(int8_t port) - Gets the efficiency of the motor in percent.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_is_over_current(int8_t port) - Checks if the motor is drawing over its current limit.
int32_t pros::
c:: motor_is_over_temp(int8_t port) - Checks if the motor's temperature is above its limit.
double pros::
c:: optical_get_hue(uint8_t port) - Get the detected color hue.
double pros::
c:: optical_get_saturation(uint8_t port) - Get the detected color saturation.
double pros::
c:: optical_get_brightness(uint8_t port) - Get the detected color brightness.
int32_t pros::
c:: optical_get_proximity(uint8_t port) - Get the detected proximity value.
int32_t pros::
c:: optical_set_led_pwm(uint8_t port, uint8_t value) - Set the pwm value of the White LED.
int32_t pros::
c:: optical_get_led_pwm(uint8_t port) - Get the pwm value of the White LED.
rgb_ s_ t pros:: c:: optical_get_rgb(uint8_t port) - Get the processed RGBC data from the sensor.
raw_ s_ t pros:: c:: optical_get_raw(uint8_t port) - Get the raw, unprocessed RGBC data from the sensor.
optical_direction_e_t pros::
c:: optical_get_gesture(uint8_t port) - Get the most recent gesture data from the sensor.
gesture_ s_ t pros:: c:: optical_get_gesture_raw(uint8_t port) - Get the most recent raw gesture data from the sensor.
int32_t pros::
c:: optical_enable_gesture(uint8_t port) - Enable gesture detection on the sensor.
int32_t pros::
c:: optical_disable_gesture(uint8_t port) - Disable gesture detection on the sensor.
double pros::
c:: optical_get_integration_time(uint8_t port) - Get integration time (update rate) of the optical sensor in milliseconds, with minimum time being.
int32_t pros::
c:: optical_set_integration_time(uint8_t port, double time) - Set integration time (update rate) of the optical sensor in milliseconds.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_clear_led(uint8_t port) - Clears the vision sensor LED color, reseting it back to its default behavior, displaying the most prominent object signature color.
signature_ s_ t pros:: c:: vision_signature_from_utility(const int32_t id, const int32_t u_min, const int32_t u_max, const int32_t u_mean, const int32_t v_min, const int32_t v_max, const int32_t v_mean, const float range, const int32_t type) - Creates a signature from the vision sensor utility.
color_ code_ t pros:: c:: vision_create_color_code(uint8_t port, const uint32_t sig_id1, const uint32_t sig_id2, const uint32_t sig_id3, const uint32_t sig_id4, const uint32_t sig_id5) - Creates a color code that represents a combination of the given signature IDs.
object_ s_ t pros:: c:: vision_get_by_size(uint8_t port, const uint32_t size_id) - Gets the nth largest object according to size_id.
object_ s_ t pros:: c:: vision_get_by_sig(uint8_t port, const uint32_t size_id, const uint32_t sig_id) - Gets the nth largest object of the given signature according to size_id.
object_ s_ t pros:: c:: vision_get_by_code(uint8_t port, const uint32_t size_id, const vision_ color_ code_ t color_code) - Gets the nth largest object of the given color code according to size_id.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_get_exposure(uint8_t port) - Gets the exposure parameter of the Vision Sensor.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_get_object_count(uint8_t port) - Gets the number of objects currently detected by the Vision Sensor.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_get_white_balance(uint8_t port) - Get the white balance parameter of the Vision Sensor.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_print_signature(const vision_ signature_ s_ t sig) - Prints the contents of the signature as an initializer list to the terminal.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_read_by_size(uint8_t port, const uint32_t size_id, const uint32_t object_count, vision_ object_ s_ t*const object_arr) - Reads up to object_count object descriptors into object_arr.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_read_by_sig(uint8_t port, const uint32_t size_id, const uint32_t sig_id, const uint32_t object_count, vision_ object_ s_ t*const object_arr) - Reads up to object_count object descriptors into object_arr.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_read_by_code(uint8_t port, const uint32_t size_id, const vision_ color_ code_ t color_code, const uint32_t object_count, vision_ object_ s_ t*const object_arr) - Reads up to object_count object descriptors into object_arr.
signature_ s_ t pros:: c:: vision_get_signature(uint8_t port, const uint8_t signature_id) - Gets the object detection signature with the given id number.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_set_signature(uint8_t port, const uint8_t signature_id, vision_ signature_ s_ t*const signature_ptr) - Stores the supplied object detection signature onto the vision sensor.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_set_auto_white_balance(uint8_t port, const uint8_t enable) - Enables/disables auto white-balancing on the Vision Sensor.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_set_exposure(uint8_t port, const uint8_t exposure) - Sets the exposure parameter of the Vision Sensor.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_set_led(uint8_t port, const int32_t rgb) - Sets the vision sensor LED color, overriding the automatic behavior.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_set_white_balance(uint8_t port, const int32_t rgb) - Sets the white balance parameter of the Vision Sensor.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_set_zero_point(uint8_t port, vision_zero_e_t zero_point) - Sets the (0,0) coordinate for the Field of View.
int32_t pros::
c:: vision_set_wifi_mode(uint8_t port, const uint8_t enable) - Sets the Wi-Fi mode of the Vision sensor.
Screen Graphical Display Functions
These functions allow programmers to display shapes on the v5 screen
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_set_pen(uint32_t color) - Set the pen color for subsequent graphics operations.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_set_eraser(uint32_t color) - Set the eraser color for erasing and the current background.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_get_pen(void) - Get the current pen color.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_get_eraser(void) - Get the current eraser color.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_erase(void) - Clear display with eraser color.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_scroll(int16_t start_line, int16_t lines) - Scroll lines on the display upwards.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_scroll_area(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t lines) - Scroll lines within a region on the display.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_copy_area(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint32_t* buf, int32_t stride) - Copy a screen region (designated by a rectangle) from an off-screen buffer to the screen.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_draw_pixel(int16_t x, int16_t y) - Draw a single pixel on the screen using the current pen color.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_erase_pixel(int16_t x, int16_t y) - Erase a pixel from the screen (Sets the location)
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_draw_line(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1) - Draw a line on the screen using the current pen color.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_erase_line(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1) - Erase a line on the screen using the current eraser color.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_draw_rect(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1) - Draw a rectangle on the screen using the current pen color.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_erase_rect(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1) - Erase a rectangle on the screen using the current eraser color.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_fill_rect(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1) - Fill a rectangular region of the screen using the current pen color.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_draw_circle(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t radius) - Draw a circle on the screen using the current pen color.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_erase_circle(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t radius) - Erase a circle on the screen using the current eraser color.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_fill_circle(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t radius) - Fill a circular region of the screen using the current pen color.
Screen Text Display Functions
These functions allow programmers to display text on the v5 screen
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_print(text_ format_ e_ t txt_fmt, const int16_t line, const char* text, ...) - Print a formatted string to the screen on the specified line.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_print_at(text_ format_ e_ t txt_fmt, const int16_t x, const int16_t y, const char* text, ...) - Print a formatted string to the screen at the specified point.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_vprintf(text_ format_ e_ t txt_fmt, const int16_t line, const char* text, va_list args) - Print a formatted string to the screen on the specified line.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_vprintf_at(text_ format_ e_ t txt_fmt, const int16_t x, const int16_t y, const char* text, va_list args) - Print a formatted string to the screen at the specified coordinates.
Screen Touch Functions
These functions allow programmers to access information about screen touches
touch_ status_ s_ t pros:: c:: screen_touch_status(void) - Gets the touch status of the last touch of the screen.
uint32_t pros::
c:: screen_touch_callback(touch_ event_ cb_ fn_ t cb, last_ touch_ e_ t event_type) - Assigns a callback function to be called when a certain touch event happens.
Serial communication functions
These functions allow programmers to communicate using UART over RS485
int32_t pros::
c:: serial_enable(uint8_t port) - Enables generic serial on the given port.
int32_t pros::
c:: serial_set_baudrate(uint8_t port, int32_t baudrate) - Sets the baudrate for the serial port to operate at.
int32_t pros::
c:: serial_flush(uint8_t port) - Clears the internal input and output FIFO buffers.
int32_t pros::
c:: serial_get_read_avail(uint8_t port) - Returns the number of bytes available to be read in the the port's FIFO input buffer.
int32_t pros::
c:: serial_get_write_free(uint8_t port) - Returns the number of bytes free in the port's FIFO output buffer.
int32_t pros::
c:: serial_peek_byte(uint8_t port) - Reads the next byte avaliable in the port's input buffer without removing it.
int32_t pros::
c:: serial_read_byte(uint8_t port) - Reads the next byte avaliable in the port's input buffer.
int32_t pros::
c:: serial_read(uint8_t port, uint8_t* buffer, int32_t length) - Reads up to the next length bytes from the port's input buffer and places them in the user supplied buffer.
int32_t pros::
c:: serial_write_byte(uint8_t port, uint8_t buffer) - Write the given byte to the port's output buffer.
int32_t pros::
c:: serial_write(uint8_t port, uint8_t* buffer, int32_t length) - Writes up to length bytes from the user supplied buffer to the port's output buffer.
- enum v5_device_e { E_DEVICE_NONE = 0, E_DEVICE_MOTOR = 2, E_DEVICE_ROTATION = 4, E_DEVICE_IMU = 6, E_DEVICE_DISTANCE = 7, E_DEVICE_RADIO = 8, E_DEVICE_VISION = 11, E_DEVICE_ADI = 12, E_DEVICE_OPTICAL = 16, E_DEVICE_GPS = 20, E_DEVICE_SERIAL = 129, __attribute__ =((deprecated("use E_DEVICE_SERIAL instead"))) = E_DEVICE_SERIAL, E_DEVICE_UNDEFINED = 255 }
- List of possible v5 devices.
- enum optical_direction_e { NO_GESTURE = 0, UP = 1, DOWN = 2, RIGHT = 3, LEFT = 4, ERROR = PROS_ERR }
- using adi_encoder_t = int32_t
- Reference type for an initialized encoder.
- using adi_ultrasonic_t = int32_t
- Reference type for an initialized ultrasonic.
- using adi_gyro_t = int32_t
- Reference type for an initialized gyroscope.
- using adi_potentiometer_t = int32_t
- Reference type for an initialized potentiometer.
- using adi_led_t = int32_t
- Reference type for an initialized addressable led.
- using ext_adi_encoder_t = int32_t
- Reference type for an initialized encoder.
- using ext_adi_ultrasonic_t = int32_t
- Reference type for an initialized ultrasonic.
- using ext_adi_gyro_t = int32_t
- Reference type for an initialized gyroscope.
- using ext_adi_potentiometer_t = int32_t
- Reference type for an initialized potentiometer.
- using ext_adi_led_t = int32_t
- Reference type for an initialized addressable led.
- bool const char* fmt
- const char* baked_date
- Date and Time
- const char* baked_time
Function documentation
bool pros:: c:: __attribute__((weak)) lcd_print(int16_t line
#include <pros/llemu.h>
Displays a formatted string on the emulated three-button LCD screen.
Returns | True if the operation was successful, or false otherwise, setting errno values as specified above. |
This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The LCD has not been initialized. Call lcd_
int32_t pros:: c:: motor_set_zero_position(int8_t port,
const double position)
#include <pros/motors.h>
Sets the position for the motor in its encoder units.
Parameters | |
port | The V5 port number from 1 to 21, or from -21 to -1 for reversed motors |
position | The new reference position in its encoder units |
Returns | 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno. |
This will be the future reference point for the motor's "absolute" position.
This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|. ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor
void autonomous() { motor_move_absolute(1, 100, 100); // Moves 100 units forward while (!((motor_get_position(1) - 100 < 105) && (motor_get_position(1) - 100 > 95))) { // Continue running this loop as long as the motor is not within +-5 units of its goal delay(2); } motor_move_absolute(1, 100, 100); // This does not cause a movement while (!((motor_get_position(1) - 100 < 105) && (motor_get_position(1) - 100 > 95))) { delay(2); } motor_set_zero_position(1, 80); motor_move_absolute(1, 100, 100); // Moves 80 units forward while (!((motor_get_position(1) - 100 < 105) && (motor_get_position(1) - 100 > 95))) { delay(2); } }
int32_t pros:: c:: motor_tare_position(int8_t port)
#include <pros/motors.h>
Sets the "absolute" zero position of the motor to its current position.
Parameters | |
port | The V5 port number from 1 to 21, or from -21 to -1 for reversed motors |
Returns | 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno. |
This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|. ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor
void autonomous() { motor_move_absolute(1, 100, 100); // Moves 100 units forward while (!((motor_get_position(1) - 100 < 105) && (motor_get_position(1) - 100 > 95))) { // Continue running this loop as long as the motor is not within +-5 units of its goal delay(2); } motor_move_absolute(1, 100, 100); // This does not cause a movement while (!((motor_get_position(1) - 100 < 105) && (motor_get_position(1) - 100 > 95))) { delay(2); } motor_tare_position(1); motor_move_absolute(1, 100, 100); // Moves 100 units forward while (!((motor_get_position(1) - 100 < 105) && (motor_get_position(1) - 100 > 95))) { delay(2); } }
int32_t pros:: c:: motor_set_brake_mode(int8_t port,
const motor_brake_mode_e_t mode)
#include <pros/motors.h>
Sets one of motor_brake_mode_e_t to the motor.
Parameters | |
port | The V5 port number from 1 to 21, or from -21 to -1 for reversed motors |
mode | The motor_brake_mode_e_t to set for the motor |
Returns | 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno. |
This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|. ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor
void initialize() { motor_set_brake_mode(1, E_MOTOR_BRAKE_HOLD); printf("Brake Mode: %d\n", motor_get_brake_mode(1)); }
int32_t pros:: c:: motor_set_current_limit(int8_t port,
const int32_t limit)
#include <pros/motors.h>
Sets the current limit for the motor in mA.
Parameters | |
port | The V5 port number from 1 to 21, or from -21 to -1 for reversed motors |
limit | The new current limit in mA |
Returns | 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno. |
This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|. ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor
void opcontrol() { motor_set_current_limit(1, 1000); while (true) { motor_move(1, controller_get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_MASTER, E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y)); // The motor will reduce its output at 1000 mA instead of the default 2500 mA delay(2); } }
int32_t pros:: c:: motor_set_encoder_units(int8_t port,
const motor_encoder_units_e_t units)
#include <pros/motors.h>
Sets one of motor_encoder_units_e_t for the motor encoder.
Parameters | |
port | The V5 port number from 1 to 21, or from -21 to -1 for reversed motors |
units | The new motor encoder units |
Returns | 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno. |
This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|. ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor
void initialize() { motor_set_encoder_units(1, E_MOTOR_ENCODER_DEGREES); printf("Encoder Units: %d\n", motor_get_encoder_units(1)); }
int32_t pros:: c:: motor_set_gearing(int8_t port,
const motor_gearset_e_t gearset)
#include <pros/motors.h>
Sets one of motor_gearset_e_t for the motor.
Parameters | |
port | The V5 port number from 1 to 21, or from -21 to -1 for reversed motors |
gearset | The new motor gearset |
Returns | 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno. |
This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|. ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor
void initialize() { motor_set_gearing(1, E_MOTOR_GEARSET_06); printf("Brake Mode: %d\n", motor_get_gearing(1)); }
int32_t pros:: c:: motor_set_voltage_limit(int8_t port,
const int32_t limit)
#include <pros/motors.h>
Sets the voltage limit for the motor in Volts.
Parameters | |
port | The V5 port number from 1 to 21, or from -21 to -1 for reversed motors |
limit | The new voltage limit in Volts |
Returns | 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno. |
This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|. ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor
void autonomous() { motor_set_voltage_limit(1, 10000); while (true) { motor_move(1, controller_get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_MASTER, E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y)); // The motor will not output more than 10 V delay(2); } }
motor_brake_mode_e_t pros:: c:: motor_get_brake_mode(int8_t port)
#include <pros/motors.h>
Gets the brake mode that was set for the motor.
Parameters | |
port | The V5 port number from 1 to 21, or from -21 to -1 for reversed motors |
Returns | One of motor_brake_mode_e_t, according to what was set for the motor, or E_MOTOR_BRAKE_INVALID if the operation failed, setting errno. |
This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|. ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor
void initialize() { motor_set_brake_mode(1, E_MOTOR_BRAKE_HOLD); printf("Brake Mode: %d\n", motor_get_brake_mode(1)); }
int32_t pros:: c:: motor_get_current_limit(int8_t port)
#include <pros/motors.h>
Gets the current limit for the motor in mA.
Parameters | |
port | The V5 port number from 1 to 21, or from -21 to -1 for reversed motors |
Returns | The motor's current limit in mA or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno. |
The default value is 2500 mA.
This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|. ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor
void initialize() { printf("Motor Current Limit: %d\n", motor_get_current_limit(1)); // Prints "Motor Current Limit: 2500" }
motor_encoder_units_e_t pros:: c:: motor_get_encoder_units(int8_t port)
#include <pros/motors.h>
Gets the encoder units that were set for the motor.
Parameters | |
port | The V5 port number from 1 to 21, or from -21 to -1 for reversed motors |
Returns | One of motor_encoder_units_e_t according to what is set for the motor or E_MOTOR_ENCODER_INVALID if the operation failed. |
This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|. ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor
motor_gearset_e_t pros:: c:: motor_get_gearing(int8_t port)
#include <pros/motors.h>
Gets the gearset that was set for the motor.
Parameters | |
port | The V5 port number from 1 to 21, or from -21 to -1 for reversed motors |
Returns | One of motor_gearset_e_t according to what is set for the motor, or E_GEARSET_INVALID if the operation failed. |
This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|. ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor
void initialize() { printf("Motor Encoder Units: %d\n", motor_get_encoder_units(1)); // Prints E_MOTOR_ENCODER_DEGREES by default }
int32_t pros:: c:: motor_get_voltage_limit(int8_t port)
#include <pros/motors.h>
Gets the voltage limit set by the user.
Parameters | |
port | The V5 port number from 1 to 21, or from -21 to -1 for reversed motors |
Returns | The motor's voltage limit in V or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno. |
Default value is 0V, which means that there is no software limitation imposed on the voltage.
This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|. ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor
void initialize() { printf("Motor Voltage Limit: %d\n", motor_get_voltage_limit(1)); // Prints 0 by default, indicating no limit }
Variable documentation
bool const char* pros:: c:: fmt
#include <pros/llemu.h>