Extended API


Also included in the Extended API is LVGL.


PROS supports a simple implementation of the POSIX clock_gettime() and clock_settime() functionality. Currently only CLOCK_REALTIME and CLOCK_MONOTONIC are supported for these functions.



Control settings of the way the file’s driver treats the file.

int32_t fdctl ( int file,
                const uint32_t action,
                void* const extra_arg )
file A valid file descriptor number
action An action to perform on the file’s driver. See the CTL_ macros for details on the different actions. Note that the action passed in must match the correct driver (e.g. don’t perform a SERCTL_* action on a microSD card file).
extra_arg An argument to pass in based on the action.


Registers a device of the given type in the given zero-indexed port into the registry, if that type of device is detected to be plugged in to that port.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached:

  • EINVAL - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports (0-20).
  • EINVAL - A different device than specified is plugged in
  • EADDRINUSE - The port is already registered to another device
int registry_bind_port ( uint8_t port,
                         v5_device_e_t device_type )
port the port number to register the device
device the type of device to register

Returns: 1 upon success, PROS_ERR upon failure


Removes the device registed in the given zero-indexed port, if there is one.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached:

  • EINVAL - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports (0-20).
int registry_unbind_port ( uint8_t port )
port the port number to deregister

Returns: 1 upon success, PROS_ERR upon failure


Returns the type of device registered to the zero-indexed port.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached:

  • ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports (0-20).
v5_device_e_t registry_get_bound_type ( uint8_t port )
port The V5 port number from 0-20

Returns: The type of device that is registered into the port (NOT what is plugged in)


Returns the type of the device plugged into the zero-indexed port.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached:

  • ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports (0-20).
v5_device_e_t registry_get_plugged_type ( uint8_t port )
port The V5 port number from 0-20

Returns: The type of device that is plugged into the port (NOT what is registered)


Control settings of the serial driver.

int32_t serctl ( const uint32_t action,
                 void* const extra_arg )
action An action to perform on the serial driver. See the SERCTL_* macros for details on the different actions.
extra_arg An argument to pass in based on the action.



Action macro to pass into serctl or fdctl that activates the stream identifier.

When used with serctl, the extra argument must be the little endian representation of the stream identifier (e.g. “sout” -> 0x74756f73)

Visit the serial tutorial to learn more.

Value: 10


Action macro to pass into serctl or fdctl that deactivates the stream identifier.

When used with serctl, the extra argument must be the little endian representation of the stream identifier (e.g. “sout” -> 0x74756f73)

Visit the serial tutorial to learn more.

Value: 11


Action macro to pass into fdctl that enables blocking writes for the file.

The extra argument is not used with this action, provide any value (e.g. NULL) instead.

Visit the serial tutorial to learn more.

Value: 12


Action macro to pass into fdctl that makes writes non-blocking for the file.

The extra argument is not used with this action, provide any value (e.g. NULL) instead.

Visit the serial tutorial to learn more.

Value: 13


Action macro to pass into serctl that enables advanced stream multiplexing capabilities.

The extra argument is not used with this action, provide any value (e.g. NULL) instead.

Visit the serial tutorial to learn more.

Value: 14


Action macro to pass into serctl that disables advanced stream multiplexing capabilities.

The extra argument is not used with this action, provide any value (e.g. NULL) instead.

Visit the serial tutorial to learn more.

Value: 15


Action macro to check if there is data available from the Generic Serial Device.

The extra argument is not used with this action, provide any value (e.g. NULL) instead.

Value: 16


Action macro to set the Generic Serial Device’s baudrate.

The extra argument is the baudrate.

Value: 17

Enumerated Values


Denotes the kind of device that is being communicated with.

typedef enum v5_device_e {
        E_DEVICE_NONE = 0,
        E_DEVICE_MOTOR = 2,
        E_DEVICE_RADIO = 8,
        E_DEVICE_VISION = 11,
      E_DEVICE_ADI = 12,
      E_DEVICE_GENERIC = 129,
} v5_device_e_t;