PROS CLI 3.1.2 Release

  • Improved logging for debugging
  • Added V5 drivers to Windows installers
  • Added V5 Vision Utility to Windows Installers

Updating to the new version


Download and run the appropriate installer


See below for the new recommended method of installing the CLI

macOS installs

Install Homebrew if it’s not already installed. This may take a while. Run brew tap purduesigbots/pros Run brew cask install gcc-arm-embedded pros-editor (if you want to install only the CLI, you can run brew cask install gcc-arm-embedded && brew install pros-cli instead)


  • if Homebrew complains about some files existing when trying to install the toolchain (gcc-arm-embedded), run rm -f /usr/local/bin/arm-none-eabi-* to clear the old files out
  • if you already have the PROS CLI installed, or if Homebrew complains about some files existing when trying to install the CLI, you’ll want to uninstall it first
  • if you installed using pip, you can run pip3 uninstall pros-cli-v5
  • if you installed using the .app bundle, you can move that bundle to the trash folder, and then run rm -f /usr/local/bin/prosv5 to clear out the old file